Monday, February 10, 2014

Hello february

In progress on enhancing oh my english, but really want to type this post in malay actually T.T 
(ohh or can i just use manglish? :P)

Along showed us this article and asked abah, did he loves his job?

And abah answered,

Abah is very the busy person, during weekend he still needs to answer phone calls asking about work. Sometimes up until night. But luckily, he could finish his work at home instead of staying until late night at office. (That's why mama keeps complaining :D) 

Yet abah still doesn't forget to spend his time with us; dinner together every night is a must, peel off buah mangga or jambu for us, go to pasar tani to buy groceries every friday morning, and others. :)

I showed the same article to suami and asked him the same question, and he replied:

"asalkan ada kerja dan halal dan dapat support family kita" :')

And i know he loves doing his job and as long as the salary is enough for us alhamdulillah. 

Being an engineer isn't that tough actually based on my own experience (or maybe i got the easy job in my dept?), except when you got pressure from your boss and colleague. Or maybe when it comes to tiredness of doing lotsss of works.
But, no matter what you do, be happy doing your work is your choice, you yourself decide it. I was once an engineer (eventhough for 3 months only). I loved and enjoyed doing my job actually (as i said, maybe because i got the easy job :D). I was happy just sitting on chair and translating the document and sent it to the customers. Easy and didn't feel tired at all.
But i prefer to be a lecturer; have to continue for master. And it's not easy actually, when you have to think and use your brain and the worst part is doing programming every single day T.T 
but....when you have someone who stay with you when youre down, keep on reminding you, give advisesss to you, everything will be fine and feel like easy as a piece of cake :)
suami, family, lecturers, friends, thank you!

Me 38 weeks pregnant today.  And our little caliph will be born anytime from now on. May Allah ease everything. cant waitt to see him/her. Thank you for all the doas and supports. :)

I know my english is bad >.< but thank you for reading ^^

Sunday, February 2, 2014

another year older, another year happier

Short vacation to PD
I can't express with words.
Suami didn't stop praising how wonderful was that place.
Room was perfect with pool inside, surrounding was beautiful, breakfast was wonderful.
Spent the whole day exploring the whole room. 
Started thinking of the idea to decorate our house too :D
Just step outside in searching for air kelapa n tapau our dinner ikan bakar, 
returned back to the room celebrating my birthday, 
the last birthday we were celebrating together before we'll become 'the three of us' 
Of course planning to go there again next time insyaAllah :))
Yea, January has always been a meaningful month to me :')
May Allah be with us at every step we take, 
and may Allah guide us in every decision we make. Amin.

That was yummy moist chocolate cake.

Maternity leave has just started! 
The last day I went to the lab, saying goodbye to my messy workstation,
got kiss and hugs from the supervisor as well as
 got lotsss of advices about what I should do during the leave.
Leaving the lab (for a while) doesn't mean I have to free my mind about the research work.
Still have ton of work to do..
But at least don't have to rush every morning to the lab for few months :D
Counting the days to welcome our little caliph.
May Allah ease everything. Amin.

January report ends :)